Robot and Capture apps FAQ

Live Streaming - Standalone Audio Setup

AC_Speakers.png*see all possible setup options for your live streaming here


For your convenience, we created a printable Step by Step Audio Setup Guide to help you with the right setup and steps - print the pages you need!


We recommend that your students follow best practices for audio participation during the live stream which are described in this FAQ article. Following these guidelines will increase the clarity and volume of remote students' audio during a live stream. 

You can use Standalone setup to live stream with Zoom or MS Teams with your Swivl Robot.




    All Swivl-compatible iOS devices can be used for live streaming with Zoom.



    swivl_robot.pngSwivl Robot


    3.5mm to USB adapter to connect to Swivl Robot



      AC Powered    Speakers


    Standalone setup steps

    1. Install the Swivl Capture app and Zoom on your mobile device

    app_store_logo.jpeg Teams_by_Swivl.jpg Zoom_icon.jpg


    2. Connect your Swivl and the Markers to your mobile device. When prompted, tap "Allow" to allow access to Robot.

    CX_connected_via_cord.jpg Allow_to_communicate_-_iPad.jpg

    3. Open Swivl Capture and proceed to Settings. Tap on Base port configuration and select To Speakers.


    4. Plug your speakers and the adapter into the USB port on your Robot.
    Turn on the speakers and raise the volume.


    After the speakers are successfully connected, you will see the popup icon "Speakers connected"

    and the Speakers icon appear on the Home Screen:

    Speakers_connected_-_iPad.jpg Speakers_icon_on_the_Home_screen_-_iPad.jpg


    5. Open the Swivl Capture app. On the Home Screen, tap the Zoom icon in the Stream section.


    Swivl Capture app will remember what you selected the last time and default to that option the next time you open the app.


    7. You will be redirected to the Zoom app to start or join the meeting. The Swivl Capture app will remain running in the background. 


     8. On the Zoom app, select "Call using Internet Audio".


    Volume Control: Adjust the speaker volume to max. Next, click on the directional arrow “up” on Primary Marker until you have achieved maximum volume.

    If you have a paid Zoom membership, you can record meetings in the mobile app. See more details in How to record and upload live-streams to Reflectivity (Teams) web platform 

  • Compatibility


    All Swivl-compatible iOS devices can be used for live streaming with MS Teams




    swivl_robot.pngSwivl Robot



    3.5mm to USB adapter to connect to Swivl Robot


      AC Powered    Speakers



    Standalone setup steps


    1. Install the Swivl Capture app and MS Teams on your mobile device

    app_store_logo.jpeg Teams_by_Swivl.jpg MS_Teams_icon.jpg


    2. Connect your Swivl and the Markers to your mobile device. When prompted, tap "Allow" to allow access to Robot.

    CX_connected_via_cord.jpg Allow_to_communicate_-_iPad.jpg

    3. Open Swivl Capture and proceed to Settings. Tap on Base port configuration and select To Speakers.


    4. Plug your speakers and the adapter into the USB port on your Swivl Robot.
    Turn on the speakers and raise the volume.

    AC_Speakers.png Dongle_3.5-mm-to-USB-Adapter-768x644.jpg

    After the speakers are successfully connected, you will see the popup icon "Speakers connected"

    and the Speakers icon appear on the Home Screen:

    To_speakers_-_iPad_2_.jpg Speakers_icon_on_the_Home_screen_-_iPad.jpg


    5. On the Home Screen, tap on the MS Teams icon in the Stream section.


    Swivl will remember what you selected the last time and default to that option the next time you open the app.


    6. You will be redirected to the MS Teams app to start or join the meeting. The Swivl Capture app will remain running in the background.


    7. Start or join a Teams meeting, then tap the mic icon to enable audio


    Volume Control: Adjust the speaker volume to max. Next, click on the directional arrow “up” on Primary Marker until you have achieved maximum volume.


You can use Standalone setup to live stream with Zoom, MS Teams, or Google Meet with your Swivl Robot.

The only Android devices that will support all three streaming apps listed here and work with mobile charging are Samsung Tab S5e and Samsung Tab S6.





    Samsung Tab S5e and Samsung Tab S6 are the only devices that are compatible for live-streaming with Zoom.




    swivl_robot.pngSwivl Robot



    3.5mm to USB adapter to connect to Swivl Robot


      AC Powered    Speakers



    Standalone setup steps


    1. Install the Swivl Capture app  and Zoom on your mobile device

    Google-Play-Logo.jpeg Teams_by_Swivl.jpg Zoom_icon.jpg



    2. Connect your Swivl Robot and the Markers to your mobile device. When prompted, tap "Allow" to allow access to Robot.


    3. Open Swivl Capture app and proceed to Settings. Tap on Base port configuration and select To Speakers.


    4. Plug your speakers and the adapter into the USB port on your Swivl Robot. Turn on the speakers and raise the volume.


    After the speakers are successfully connected, you will see the Speakers icon appeared on the Home Screen:


    5. Go to Swivl Capture app, on the Home Screen, choose the preferable Live Streaming app in the Stream section.

    • Select Zoom.  (Zoom will only work with the three Android devices listed above.)
    • Start Live Stream meeting.



    6. Join with video and enable microphone.



    Volume Control: Adjust the speaker volume to max. Next, click on the directional arrow “up” on Primary Marker until you have achieved maximum volume.

    Headset Option: The teacher can connect the headset (earbuds+microphone) to the Primary Marker. You will hear participant audio from both the headset and the AC-powered speakers.


    If you have any issues with audio, please confirm that your Swivl Robot settings are:

    Hybrid Learning = > Base port configuration = > Automatic or Speakers

    Advanced Settings = > Audio configuration = > Live Streaming





    Most of newer Android devices are compatible for live-streaming with MS Teams. For more information, please check out our article: CX:Android Compatibility


    swivl_robot.pngSwivl Robot



    3.5mm to USB adapter to connect to Swivl Robot


      AC Powered    Speakers


    Standalone setup steps


    1. Install the Swivl Capture app and MS Teams on your mobile device

    Google-Play-Logo.jpeg Teams_by_Swivl.jpg MS_Teams_icon.jpg


    2. Connect your Swivl Robot and the Markers to your mobile device. When prompted, tap "Allow" to allow access to Robot.


    3. Open Swivl Capture app and proceed to Settings. Tap on Base port configuration and select To Speakers.


    4. Plug your speakers and the adapter into the USB port on your Swivl Robot. Turn on the speakers and raise the volume.


    After the speakers are successfully connected, you will see the Speakers icon appeared on the Home Screen:


    6. Go to Swivl Capture app, on the Home Screen, choose the preferable Live Streaming app in the Stream section.

    • Select MS Teams.
    • Start Live Stream meeting.



    6. Enable Microphone and Video on your live stream app.

        MS Teams: Tap on the camera and microphone icons:


    Volume Control: Adjust the speaker volume to max. Next, click on the directional arrow “up” on Primary Marker until you have achieved maximum volume.

    Headset Option: The teacher can connect the headset (earbuds+microphone) to the Primary Marker. You will hear participant audio from both the headset and the AC-powered speakers.


    If you have any issues with audio, please confirm that your Swivl Robot settings are:

    Hybrid Learning = > Base port configuration = > Automatic or Speakers

    Advanced Settings = > Audio configuration = > Live Streaming





    Most of newer Android devices are compatible for live-streaming with Google Meet. For more information, please check out our article: CX:Android Compatibility




    swivl_robot.pngSwivl Robot



    3.5mm to USB adapter to connect to Swivl Robot


      AC Powered    Speakers


    Standalone setup steps


    1. Install the Swivl Capture app and Google Meet on your mobile device

    Google-Play-Logo.jpeg Teams_by_Swivl.jpg google-meet-logo.png


    2. Connect your Swivl Robot and the Markers to your mobile device. When prompted, tap "Allow" to allow access to Robot. 


    3. Open Swivl Capture app and proceed to Settings. Tap on Base port configuration and select To Speakers.


    4. Plug your speakers and the adapter into the USB port on your Swivl Robot. Turn on the speakers and raise the volume.


    After the speakers are successfully connected, you will see the Speakers icon appeared on the Home Screen:


    5. Go to Swivl Capture app, on the Home Screen:

    • Select Google Meet.
    • Start Live Stream meeting.




    6. Enable Microphone and Video on Google Meet.


    Volume Control: Adjust the speaker volume to max. Next, click on the directional arrow “up” on Primary Marker until you have achieved maximum volume.

    Headset Option: The teacher can connect the headset (earbuds+microphone) to the Primary Marker. You will hear participant audio from both the headset and the AC-powered speakers.


    If you have any issues with audio, please confirm that your Swivl Robot settings are:

    Hybrid Learning = > Base port configuration = > Automatic or Speakers

    Advanced Settings = > Audio configuration = > Live Streaming




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