Robot and Capture apps FAQ

Step by Step Guide PDF on Live Streaming

Click the icon in the top right corner of this guide for a large view, and to download or print the page(s) you need. Find more helpful links below.


It is not possible to use the Swivl Capture app to record and live stream at the same time. If you want to record your live stream, generally the best way to do so is through the live-stream service itself (ex: Zoom's recording function). There are some exceptions (see this article on Recording Google Meet when in Integrated Audio).

Want to have your live stream recordings in your Reflectivity (Swivl) account? Check out our Zoom Integration, or learn how to upload your recordings to your Reflectivity (Swivl) account.


Other Helpful Links:

Recommended Hardware & Accessories -click here for specifications and recommendations for USB-A cables, adapters, and speakers.

Live Streaming Audio Options Matrix - click here for a more detailed description of the various audio options and app compatibility.

Swivl Link Pairing and Troubleshooting

Live Streaming Setup Walkthrough Videos

Swivl YouTube Channel

Product Updates and Firmware Versions -click here to check your that your firmware and app versions are up to date. You can also see needed updates in the Swivl Capture app settings.

Updating Firmware


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