Robot and Capture apps FAQ

Zoom Integration with Reflectivity (Teams)

Available for: 
you need to have paid accounts both with Reflectivity (Teams) and Zoom as follows:
licensed Zoom account with cloud storage,
team Reflectivity account

Reflectivity (Teams) and Zoom integration allows you to upload Zoom Cloud Recordings to your Swivl Teams account automatically. In order to use this Zoom Integration, your Zoom license must include cloud storage.

Once a video is transferred to Reflectivity (Teams), you will be able to securely view, edit, comment, and share your videos. 

Step-by-Step Activation Guide

1. Log in to your Reflectivity (Teams) account or register your Reflectivity (Teams) account on the computer or the laptop.

Can't activate your account or forgot your password? Go here

2. Once you are logged in, click on the profile icon in the bottom-left corner. In the Settings of your Profile click on CONNECT:

Connect Zoom Reflectivity.png

3. Sign In to your Zoom account:


4. You may be asked to give Reflectivity (Swivl Teams) the authorization to access your Zoom account. Click on Authorize:

Allow Zoom access.png

5. Enable Recording to Cloud in Zoom settings:



1. Start recording your meeting in Zoom and select record to Zoom Cloud.


2. After the recording is finished, it will be uploaded to your Reflectivity (Teams) account. You can view it in your video tab. Each separate recording will be uploaded as a separate file even if recordings were made during the same Zoom meeting. 

Zoom recording.png


 If you do not want to have your Zoom and Reflectivity (Teams) accounts connected anymore, please follow the steps below:

1. Log into your Zoom account.

2. Go to

3. Find Swivl among added apps

4. Click Remove

Remove Zoom.png

If you experience any difficulties, please, contact 


  • Make sure you have a Zoom account that allows Zoom cloud storage.
  • Make sure you have enabled 'Recording to Cloud' in your Zoom account.
  • Only the Host is able to record the meetings. If you are not the Host, the Host must give you permission to record.
  • Every new recording will be saved with a default name “Zoom meeting: date, time”.
  • You can edit the title of the video,  trim or cut it and share the recording.
  • If by clicking Authorize you see the following notification:


this means you are a part of the Zoom Organization account and you need to contact your Zoom Account Owner/Admin to pre-approve Swivl-Zoom integration.

You can check who is your Zoom account owner at 

Have you got any questions? Contact 


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