
How Can I Manage a Group?

1. How can I create a Group?

To create a new group, hover over the 'Personal' section to open the list -> click on '+ New' from the list -> in the group creation form, specify the name and the grade of your group. Next select the Access type:

  • Login - participants reflect and get full dashboard access,
  • Session - participants reflect with name only, no email required
  • Open - participants reflect with no name, video required. 

Choose the language, select what you want to record - audio or video and enable or disable the pre-reflection greeting. Click on 'Create' to save your new group.

2. How can I change the name of a Group?

In order to change the name of a Group, choose the Group you wish to rename from the list by hovering over the name of the current Group you are working with -> click on the three dots button in the upper right-hand corner of the page and select 'Settings' option -> enter the name and click 'Save' to confirm the change.

3. How can I delete a Group?

To delete a Group, follow the same steps as above and choose the 'Delete Group' option after clicking on the three dots button in the upper right-hand corner of the page -> click 'Delete' to confirm your intention.

4. How can I edit the name of the student?

To edit the name of the student who is in the Group, select the Group you are working with. Then, click on the "Manage participants" option on the left side of your screen. Sort the Group participants by name and select the three dotes next to the name you want to change on the right. Edit the name and press Save.


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