Setting Up Reflections

How Can I Use Group Workspace?

The Workspace in M2 is a place where you and your students can focus on specific activities while having the opportunity to analyze and reflect on their practice afterward.

Below is a visual example of how you, as a teacher, can customize the Workspace and reflection for your students. This demonstration shows the setup on, which is identical to the setup on the M2 device.

Please note that while you can configure the Workspace on both and the M2 device, the Workspace feature itself can only be used on the M2 device, not on the website.

1. Log In and Select Your Group
After logging in, navigate to the group for which you want to customize the workspace. Once you've selected the group, you can choose a reflection from the Library or click the Custom button.

Workspace 2.png

2. Write or record an Objective
Clearly define the objective for this reflection. You can either write it out or use the recording feature for convenience.

Screenshot 2025-02-28 at 8.49.59 PM.png
3. Choose Format and Focus
Next, select the desired Format and Focus for your reflection. These options help tailor the experience to your needs.

Screenshot 2025-02-28 at 8.37.35 PM.png

4. Select the Workspace
Click on Workspace to begin customization.

 Adding a workspace to a reflection means the reflection can only be completed on the M2 device. At this point, the purple Assign button changes to Return to Dashboard.

Workspace 6.png

5. Assign the Reflection
You’re now ready to assign the reflection. Simply use the M2 device to complete this step.

M2 Reflection Workspace

Turn on the M2 device and navigate to the Library, where the reflection you created is saved. You can modify the reflection directly on the M2 device, allowing for quick adjustments to suit the needs of your small group learning session. This ensures flexibility and adaptability during your activities.


After clicking the Assign button, select the participants for the Group Reflection. Once you've chosen who will participate, press Start to begin the session. Below, you can see an example of a completed reflection. When the Reflection is finished, click the Exit button located in the top-left corner. After exiting, you can view the completed reflection both on the M2 device and on for further review.

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