Generic FAQs

What Sign-In Options Do I Have?

Single account

When Swivl Teams became Reflectivity, we created two separate applications for iOS and Android devices: Reflectivity app and Swivl Capture app. These apps are both linked to Reflectivity web platform at, where you can work on developing skills with your fellow Reflectivity team members and use videos captured with Swivl Capture app as visual aids for your reflections. You can sign up to all three using a single account using one of the options presented below. 

Please be informed, that in case of inactivity during 60 days, you will be automatically logged out from Reflectivity and Swivl Capture apps on your device for security reasons.

Email sign in

Available for Reflectivity web, Swivl Capture app, Reflectivity app

You can sign up to Swivl Capture app, Reflectivity app, and Reflectivity web platform simply by using your work or personal email. 

If you are a member of Reflectivity team, contact your team owner/admin for them to either add you to the team or to clarify the email which they have used to add you. 

If you do not yet have an account with us, please click on the "Sign up" button. 


You will then be redirect to the page where you will be prompted to enter your email you wish to use and create a password. Once you confirm, you will be able to use our web and app platform. 


If you are using to sign up, you will be required to confirm your email by following the link that we will send you once you sign up.

Two-factor authentification (2FA)

Two-factor authentification (2FA) is a security measure that adds an extra-level of security to your Reflectivity profile. Reflectivity team owners and admins can enable 2FA for their Reflectivity web profiles to ensure the maximum level of privacy and security. You can only use 2FA with email sign in option. 
This feature is disabled by default. To enable the 2FA, go to your Profile tab from your Reflectivity team owner/admin account and select Settings tab. Then, scroll down to 2-Step verification section and click on the blue button "Setup". You will then be prompted to follow 3 step setup of the 2FA starting by the download of one of the authentification apps on your mobile device. 

2FA 1 step.gif
Once you connect your Reflectivity account to the app you have downloaded on your mobile device, a recovery code will be shown to you on your screen. Please save it securely as it will be required in case you loose access to your account. 
If you have followed all the steps, you should see "Enabled"  next to 2-Step Verification in your profile. 

2FA step 2.gif
You can always disable 2FA by selecting the red "Disable" button next to it. To do so, you will be required to enter the password to your Reflectivity account.  

SSO sign in

Available for Reflectivity team users of Reflectivity web, Swivl Capture app 

There is a possibility of SSO sign in - please see how to configure it here.

If you would like to use this option of sign in, you need to be a part of Reflectivity team and your team owner/admin should proceed with the procedure described in the article linked above.  

Make sure to use SSO sign in at or in our Swivl Capture or Reflectivity apps. 
SSO sign in Reflectivity.gif

Google sign in 

Available for Reflectivity web, Swivl Capture app, Reflectivity app

You can also use a Google sign up/Google sign in option. For that you need to have an active Google account. 

If you do not yet have an account and you wish to sign up your account using your Google account, please click on Sign up -> Sign up with Google. You will then be prompted to enter the email to which your Google account is attached and enter the password to it. Once you fill out the email and access your Google account, you will be signed up to Swivl. 


If you already have an account, click on the Sign in with Google option and you will be prompted to enter your credentials and then redirected to your account. 


If you have already created an account using only your email, when you use Google sign in for the first time, it will be connected to an already existing account.

Apple sign in 

Available for iOS users of Swivl Capture app, Reflectivity app 

You can use Apple sign in option only on Swivl Capture and Reflectivity apps. To do that, you need to have an Apple account set up and use an Apple device.

Please check out this article for more details: Apple ID Sign Up/Sign In Issue.


No matter which option of sign in you are using, you can always use an email sign in case you experience in issue with other sign in option.

In this case, please use "Forgot password" feature and enter an email to which your Google/Apple/SSO account is attached - see more details here How Do I Reset My Password. On this email you will receive a link to reset your password. Once you reset it, you will be able to login to your account using email and password option - see more details here.

Please also note that only Reflectivity team users who have Reflectivity part enabled for them have access to Reflectivity app. 


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