Getting Started

Reflectivity mobile app - Navigating: iOS and Android

To be able to use Reflectivity app, you should already have an account created at

Start by downloading Reflectivity app from our Downloads page.

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Log in to your Reflectivity account using your credentials at

See more on the login options in this article.

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After you log in to the mobile Reflectivity app, you will see the three boards.

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First, you will see My groups board. Groups are spaces where colleagues can reflect together on specific skills by sharing thinking, evidence, and plans. On this board you can see what groups you are part of.

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You might also see the groups that you have a pending invitation to on the My groups board.

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On the Most active board, you can see what your colleagues are working on and find inspiration for topics to reflect on and skills to develop. You can join a group that works on a skill that you want to work on and start working on it yourself from here.

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New board consists of all the groups in your Reflectivity team. By using the filter on the top right corner of your screen you can select whether you wish to see the groups created during the last 30 days or of all time. You can also join a group working on a skill you’re interested in and start working on it yourself directly from New board.

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To create a new group and choose skills to work on, click on the “+” button at the bottom of the My groups board and enter the group and a skill name (you can also select a skill from the proposed options). Here you can also select whether this group can be joined by everyone in your Reflectivity team or only by people who you invite personally. Once the group is created, you will be prompted to invite your Reflectivity team members to it. 

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To start working on a skill, select it from either of boards, click on "+" tile in the top right corner, and select your next step. You can make a plan for your reflection, add a thinking in a form of reflection, and add an evidence as a video, an image, or a link.

When you start working on a skill, reflecting on your progress is a powerful way to grow. Write about your experiences, challenges, and achievements, and optionally include a video to showcase your efforts. You can choose who to share it with your colleagues to gain feedback or encouragement. Finally, decide on your next steps to continue building your skills and achieving your goals.

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You can combine skills to increase productivity and showcase to your team members what you're working on. Simply click the plus button at the top to add a screen, and both skills will appear on your dashboard. Here you can see all the activity of the particular community of the skill - updates selected specifically for you, plans of future work, reflections and videos made by you or shared with you. You can also boost or comment any type of activity.

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After you’ve completed your reflection, a discussion board will appear at the bottom of the screen. You and other members of the group can view and leave comments there. Please note that if your reflection includes video evidence, the video will only be visible within the reflection to the person you’ve shared it with. It will not appear in their Shared with Me Videos feed unless you share it separately. If you want to comment on a reflection shared with you, ensure you’ve joined the community first, if you haven’t already.

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Encouragement goes a long way. This is why we’ve added boosts to Reflectivity. Boosts are small encouragements that you give to other users when they make progress on their work. You can boost any type of activity of your colleague by pressing on the star next to the activity in the group. You can see updates your colleagues have made, and you can click boost to give them encouragement. Your colleagues will see when you’ve boosted them in their notifications.


You can also comment on any type of activity in the group where you are a member.

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When you’re finished working on a skill, go to My Groups board, select the skill you wish to finish working on, click the three dots next to it, and choose Leave group. After confirming, you will leave the skill. You can rejoin it later from the Most Active or New boards.

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Check out eLearning resource for the Reflectivity platform here.

Click here to check what features are available for different account types - What are Reflectivity (Teams) Account Types and Privileges?


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