Generic FAQs

What Happens to My Stuff when I Am Removed from My Team?

If you were a Reflectivity team member and now you see the Upgrade button and there is no attachment to your previous team in the top left corner on your Videos page, that means that you were removed from your previous team by your owner/admin and now you are a Reflectivity free user. 

When Reflectivity team owner/admin removes you from the team, they have the possibility to choose what to do with the videos that you created after joining the ream that are stored in your account.

1. Reflectivity team owner/admin can choose whether they would like to keep all these videos accessible to your previous Team only by transferring it to the account of an active team member

  • These videos will no longer be stored in your account and you will lose all access to them on Reflectivity (Teams) platform. 
  • Any videos that you have shared with others via direct share or share to groups will still be available for your recipients to view in their Shared with me Videos or in their group folders.
  • Any videos that have been shared with you via direct share will still be available in your Shared with me videos tab to view, provided that the owner of the video is still Reflectivity team. Any videos that have been shared with you via share to a group will not be available for viewing. 
  • Any videos that you have sent a copy of to other users' libraries will still be available to those users.
  • Exception: Any videos that you have embedded, will not be available to view in the hosted location where you embedded them.

2. Reflectivity team owner/admin can choose whether they would like to keep all these videos accessible only to you

  • These videos will still be available in your account and you'll be able to edit, trim, and leave time-stamped comments on your videos as always.
  • Any videos that you have shared with others via direct share  will still be available for your recipients to view in their Shared with me Videos. All the videos that you have shared to groups will no longer be available in these groups.
  • Any videos that have been shared with you via direct share will still be available in your Shared with me videos tab to view and make comments, provided that the owner of the video is still Reflectivity team. Any videos that have been shared with you via share to a group will not be available for viewing. 
  • Any videos that you have sent a copy of to other users' libraries will still be available to those users.
  • Exception: Any videos that you have embedded, will not be available to view in the hosted location where you embedded them.

3. Reflectivity team owner/admin can choose to remove completely all these videos.

Please be informed, that when you are removed from a Team, you become a Reflectivity free user, so now your videos will be subjected to the archiving process if you do not use them for more than 365 days. You can learn more about video archiving in this article.

Also, once you become a Reflectivity free user, your account becomes subjected to account termination in case if you do not log in in it for over one year as per our Terms. In such a case, your account will be terminated, and all of the account content will be deleted. Please see more information on the account termination here.

If you are a Reflectivity team owner/admin and your team has expired, access to management team features is no longer available. Please contact your Customer Success Manager at You can also see more information in this article.
*NOTE: Reflectivity team members CAN NOT be removed from an active team without contacting Reflectivity team owner/admin for authorisation. Active Reflectivity team owners and admins are solely responsible for authorising changes to Reflectivity team membership. They can contact us with these types of requests at


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