Reflectivity FAQ

Sharing Videos on Reflectivity (Teams) Web Platform

When you upload a video to your Reflectivity Videos tab, it remains private in your Videos tab until you have chosen to share the video. However, if you are a Reflectivity team member, all of your videos are visible by Reflectivity team admin. 

There are the following options to share videos available on Reflectivity platform:

  • Sharing an unlisted weblink allows you to share videos out of Relfectivity platform with anybody. Non-Reflectivity users can watch videos as well. You can additionally add the password to your weblink: enable the password option and remember to share it with everyone you want to access your video.

    IMPORTANT: Do not share the URL that is in your browser's address bar.

    As a reminder, this is the only Sharing option for Reflectivity free users, so when you share via a weblink, the recipients with whom you share the link won't be able to leave comments directly on the video. You can also enable a password protection feature.

    To generate a weblink, please follow the steps:

    1. Find the video you wish to share in Videos; 
    2. Click on  the ‘Share’ icon;
    3. Select ‘Weblink’ option;
    4. Click on ‘Copy weblink’.
    5. Enable password-protection feature (optionally)


  • Available for a Reflectivity Team only

    Direct share allows you to share the video directly with any registered Reflectivity (Teams) user. The person will receive the email and be prompted to sign in to the Reflectivity account to watch the video in Notifications tab. Also, this person will be able to leave comments on this video. 

    To share the video directly, follow the next steps:

    1.  Find the video you wish to share in Videos; 
    2.  Click on the ‘Share’ icon;
    3.  Select the ‘Direct’ option;
    4.  Enter the email address of the person you wish to share the video with or choose them from the list;
    5.  Click on the ‘Share’ button.

    In case you do not have access to the Direct Share feature, you will see a tooltip with the explanation.  


    Now you can select those team members with whom you share the videos most frequently by ‘pinning’ them and pinning their names to the top of the direct share menu.

  • Available for a Reflectivity Team only

    This option allows you to add videos to a group of your teammates so they can watch your videos and leave comments. Ideal for sharing videos for PLCs, Mentor Groups, and PD.

    Any videos that your group mates share to a group folder will be displayed in the Folders tab.

    Not sure how to create a group? - Please check the following article: Creating and Managing Group Folders.
    If you want to share a single video do the following:

    1.  Find the video you wish to share in Videos; 
    2. Click on the ‘Share’ icon;
    3. Select ‘Group Folder’;
    4. Select the group from the list;
    5. Click on the ‘Share’ button.


    To share multiple videos please follow the steps below:

    1.  Find and select the videos you wish to share in Videos; 
    2. Click on the ‘Share’ icon;
    3. Select ‘Group Folder’;
    4. Select the group from the list;
    5. Click on the ‘Share’ button.

    You can select your 'favorite' group folders (with which you share the videos most frequently) by ‘pinning’ them.


    In case you do not have access to the Share to Group Folder feature, you will see a tooltip with an explanation. 

    If you are a Reflectivity team owner/admin, you can also share a Reflectivity team member’s video to a group folder (but first make sure that this member is in the group folder you are sharing the video to).

    When sharing a Video to a group folder as an owner/admin, please perform the following steps: 
    1. Open Admin portal
    2. Go to the Videos tab
    3. Click on three dots of the video you’d like to share
    4. Select a group

  • Available for a Reflectivity Team only

    Embedding a video creates an HTML code to paste into an LMS, webpage, blog, etc. Your video will be directly viewable by anyone with access. You must be a
    Reflectivity team user to share via this method.

    To get an embed link, please do the following:

      1.  Find the video you wish to share in Library. 
      2.  Click the 'Share' icon and select the Embed option.
      3.  In the opened menu, copy the generated embed code that will appear at the bottom.
    You can additionally add a password to your embed video: enable the password option and remember to share it with everyone you want to access your video.


    Please be informed that if you delete the video that was previously embedded to some other platform, the end user will not be able to play it back.

    In case you do not have access to the Embed feature, you will see a tooltip with the explanation. 


    IMPORTANT: Regardless of whether you are a Reflectivity team member, admin, or owner these Sharing options are controlled by owners of Reflectivity teams. If you're missing a sharing option you think you should have, please contact your Reflectivity team owner directly to enable these settings for you. If you are a Reflectivity team owner, see this article for enabling Sharing features.

    If you want another Swivl user have full editing and download rights to your video, use 'Send a Copy' option. 


  • Available for a Reflectivity Team only

    By sending a copy of your video to your colleague, you allow this person to download, edit, and share the copy with anybody. Any actions with the copy would not affect the original video. You are the owner of your video and will be able to download, edit, and share the original video as you wish.

    To send a copy of the video, follow the steps:

    1.  Open Reflectivity (Teams), the Videos tab.

    2.  Click on the video you want to copy to open it.

    3. Click on three small dots in the top right corner, and select 'Send a Copy'.

    4. Enter the email address of the recipient.

    Comments to the video are not saved in the copied video for privacy and security reasons. 

    If you are a Reflectivity team member but are not able to use this feature, please contact your Reflectivity team owner/admin.

    In case you do not have access to Send a Copy feature, you will not see this feature in the menu.

    If you are a Reflectivity team owner/admin, but are not able use this feature, go to Admin Portal Settings => Security to enable sending a copy. 

  • If you have shared the video but then decided to make this video private you can restrict access to this video regardless of which sharing method was used (Direct Share, Group, Weblink). Open the page with the video, click on three dots, and select 'Unshare'.


 If you wish to share the video without allowing others to leave comments, you can block the commenting option: viewers won't be able to leave the comments but they will be able to see the comment left before.
block commenting1.gif

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