In this article
Available for Reflectivity team owner/admin
From the “Security” page in the Admin Portal, the Reflectivity team owner and administrators can adjust sharing, security, and general settings.
While both the owner and admins have access to most of the same settings, there are some security settings that only the owner can change.
To access Security panel, please click on Settings -> Security from your Admin portal.
Team Owner and Admin Settings
The Reflectivity team owner and admins can both adjust:
- whether Reflectivity team members can create group folders and personal video tags
- whether video tags and unique video titles are required for each video
- which sharing options are available for team members
Team Owner Security Options
Available for Reflectivity team owner
Only the owner can adjust:
- the name of the Reflectivity am
- whether admins can shadow login to other members’ accounts
- if admins can view all members’ videos
Click to continue to the next article - Changing Team Members' Account Type or Access to Team
This is a downloadable one-page overview of the security and sharing permissions for different Team roles.
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