Getting Started

Step-by-Step Guide to M2

You've received your M2 - congratulations! 

Here are the steps to follow in order to get your M2 up and running. 

1. Press and hold the power button for 2-3 seconds to turn M2 on

Power on Mirror.png


2. Connect M2 to WiFi

Workspace Mirror completed 13 (1).png


3. Download the MirrorTalk app on your mobile device - iOS/Android



4. Create an account on the Mirror mobile app, the M2 device, or on the web at


1. Workspace Mirror completed 13 (7).png            2. Workspace Mirror completed 13 (3).png


5. Check your M2 device for updates by selecting the gear icon for Quick Settings in the top right corner -> About -> Check for updates. If an update is available, select Reboot now. Updates usually take about 5 minutes.


About 02_20.png


6.Ask M2 – Set up an M2 Intelligent Co-Teacher session by selecting New, then adding an objective and other instructions (which you may also skip). Once done, click the close button, and the session will start.

You can also watch our Easy M2 Setup video here.


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Workspace Mirror completed 13 (12).png

7. Set up a Group and add your students or let students add themselves as they approach M2. Read more about Managing a Group here 

mirror group.png

8. Customize your Reflections by setting an Objective and adding a Workspace. Read more about Setting up the Reflection here


Workspace Mirror completed 13 (6).png


9. Go to the Reflection Dashboard to review the AI-generated reflection analysis. Read more about Dashboard here


Workspace Mirror completed 13 (5).png





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