Robot and Capture apps FAQ

CX and C Series Robots: Mobile Devices Compatibility



Swivl Robot is only compatible with iOS and Android devices.


As of today ChromeOS, FireOS, Windows-based tablets (like the Surface Pro), and other tablets are not supported.


Currently only CX models are available for sale


1. Download the latest version of the Swivl Capture app for iOS on the Apple store for your device.

Check the most recent Swivl Capture versions in our article Product Updates

Appstore.png Teams_by_Swivl.jpg

 2. Use iOS device running iOS 11.x through iOS 17.x - lightning or Type C connector devices only



3. Use the white lightning cable provided in your C Series kit to connect to your Swivl robot:

4a. C-Series: For Type C iOS devices you will need to use Swivl Android cable or micro-USB to micro-USB cable and a special USB Type C adapter with OTG support to ensure full data transmission to/from the robot.



4b. CX includes a USB Type C cable for Type C iOS devices.
Type-C to Type-C cable.png

CX models and C Series robots have slight differences in Android compatibility - click below to get more details. Unfortunately, as far as there is a wide range of Android devices, we cannot test all of them and, thus, guarantee that they will function successfully with Swivl robot.
  • Compatibility






    1. Download the latest version of the Swivl Capture app for Android from the Google Play store for your device. Check the most recent Swivl versions in our article Product Updates *

            Google_Play.png Teams_Icon.png


    2. Based on our and our customers' experience, all Android USB Type-C devices running Android OS 9 or higher work properly with Swivl CX Robot for recording videos and, in most cases, livestreaming too. At the same time, if you are considering a purchase of an Android device to be used specifically with CX Robot, we can only offer a limited list of recommended USB Type-C devices that will properly support all Swivl CX Robot features:



    3. Use the Swivl  Type C to Type C cable that comes with your Swivl kit.






    We are aiming to achieve full feature parity with our iOS app in terms of functionality and user interface; however, a few limitations still persist in the Android environment. Please take note of the following:


    - There is no option to save your video to the app gallery (video will still be accessible in file explorer).

    - Tilt Correction setting is not available for Android.


    While Samsung devices are popular, we only recommend using Samsung Tab S5e or Samsung Tab S6 (NOT Samsung Tab S6 Lite) as they support all features Swivl Solution has to offer.


    Still, have questions? Email to clarify your setup and options


    Click to continue to the next article - Managing Your Video in a Swivl Capture app or Live Streaming

  • Compatibility





    1. Download the latest version of the Swivl Capture app for Android from the Google Play store for your device. Check the most recent Swivl versions in our article Product Updates *

            Google_Play.png Teams_Icon.png


    2. We recommend using USB Type-C Samsung Tab S5e or Samsung Tab S6 (not Samsung Tab S6 Lite) running Android 9-11 as they support all features Swivl Solution has to offer.



    3. Use the Swivl micro USB to micro USB cable that comes with your Swivl kit - make sure to inform your Account Manager that you plan to use an Android device.


    4. For Type C Android devices you will need a special USB Type C adapter with OTG support to ensure full data transmission to/from the robot.

    If it is not included in your older Swivl kit, our online store offers a compatible adapter we have already tested:




    Android Swivl Capture app has a couple of limitations if compared to iOS Swivl Capture app as for today:

    - there is no option to save your video to the app gallery (video will still be accessible in file explorer)

    - Tilt Correction setting is not available for Android so far



    Please take note of the Samsung tablet limitation:

    We only recommend using Samsung Tab S5e or Samsung Tab S6 for all three live stream audio setups

    With any other Samsung and Swivl Solution you can:
    Generally, we found that Live Streaming Audio mode works fine on most of the Android devices we tested, but not all: specifically we noticed that mostly Samsungs and Pixel might cause issues, while others work fine.


    Click to continue to the next article - Managing Your Video in a Swivl Capture app or Live Streaming



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