
Reflectivity Account Privileges


A purchased Reflectivity subscription creates a secure space for team members, including admins and owners, to  focus on adapting and reflecting through the use of the skill dashboards, written reflections and video. 

Reflectivity helps educators become more adaptable by using the power of Reflection to support professional learning. It creates an infrastructure for collaboration within campuses and across an organization - all in the name of improving student outcomes and boosting teacher energy.

Each team has one designated team owner and as many administrators and members as needed (with a site license).


Members can:

Find motivation and connect by: 

  • reviewing topics and exploring skills across their organization
  • encouraging colleagues with a boost
  • reading reflections shared with them
  • engaging in discussions with colleagues  about shared reflections  

Adapt to change and share/spread learning growth by:

  • creating skill communities they would like to work in
  • reflecting on their skills 
  • adding video evidence 
  • sharing reflections with colleagues
  • participating in discussion regarding their reflections

Owners and team admins can:

Set up the team:

  • add team members
  • determine sharing privileges
  • create user tags and video tags
  • add rubrics
  • select security features (Owner only)
  • adjust video viewing (Owner only)
  • adjust login permissions (Owner only)

Maintain the solutions spread across the team:

  • engage in shared discussions with teachers’ reflections 
  • review topics/skills to notice trends
  • allow topics/skills to direct professional learning opportunities
  • support collaboration among teachers
  • use data to determine the best use of budgetary resources 



The Reflectivity solution consists of three software parts. Purchased reflectivity subscription for the educators will enable them to use all the three parts and get fully equipped for adaptability.. Let’s take a look at each part.

Reflectivity Web:

  • Reflectivity dashboards: Find skills for reflection. Create and manage your skill communities.
  • Skill Communities: Join communities related to your skills to stay informed.
  • Check-Ins and Reflections: Reflect on skills with check-ins, written reflections, updates on progress and optional video evidence.
  • Sharing and Discussions: Share reflections with colleagues and encourage collaborative discussions.
  • Seamlessly integrates with the Swivl Capture App and Swivl Robot.

Reflectivity Mobile App:

  • Offers the same features as Reflectivity Web, ensuring a consistent experience.
  • Enhances your ability to capture video artifacts for reflection and collaboration.

Capture Mobile App:

  • Video Recording and Managing: Effortlessly record classroom sessions.
  • UI for the Robot: Provides an intuitive interface to control the Swivl Robot.
  • Synchronizes with Reflectivity Web for video-based reflection and analysis.

Learn more about owner and administrator permissions here, and learn more about Navigating the Administrator Portal here.

Discover more

What could your organization do with a real-time understanding of the topics teachers need the most support on, or what they're most exited to work on? We're excited to explore the possibilities with you! Click here to learn more

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