Reflectivity FAQ

Reflectivity (Teams) Subscriptions

Congratulations! You just made a great investment in educational tools you, your staff, or your institution have at hand for professional development, instructional coaching, blended instruction, and more!

The way you will access your new software and tools will depend on what you purchased and from where. Below you will find a description of each package and the steps to access your purchase.  

Create your Reflectivity team

If you want to create a Reflectivity team in order to collaborate and reflect efficiently with your colleagues, please fill out our contact form or open and click Get in touch:

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Our Representative will contact you as soon as possible!

If you worked with a Sales Representatives at Swivl, they will help you determine your Reflectivity team owner. If you purchased through a partner, let them know who you desire to be assigned as an owner. The owner that you designate will be sent an email from Swivl with instructions on how to setup their account. Then a member of the Customer Success Team will contact your Reflectivity team owner to offer resources for customization and configuration of the account and provide implementation and planning guides for your successful video program.

Renew Reflectivity team subscription or Add seats to your team

Reflectivity (Teams) is a subscription service and will need to be renewed periodically. How you will do this also depends on how you purchased initially. 

If your Reflectivity team is currently active and you wish to renew for the following years, you can do this anytime and moreover make any seats adjustments effective for the following years.

For example, your team currently has 10 seats and it expires in a few months. You want to keep your 10 seats for the next few months and after it expires that you want to have 25 seats for the next three years. You can purchase renewal now and not worry about this later. Contact us and discuss your specific needs in detail.

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Renewals Management 

To renew your Reflectivity team, please contact our Customer Success team at 

You can check out your subscriptions and the exact subscription expiration dates on this graph in your Admin portal:


Alternatively, if you would like to renew for the same or a bigger number of Reflectivity team seats, it can be done manually from Select Purchase and you will be instantly redirected to the checkout page to purchase the renewal of your team. 

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If your are free user or if you have an expired Reflectivity team, you can purchase Reflectivity team seats online - click on the Upgrade button to proceed with the option. Your credit card will be billed. When the year ends, you need to renew your subscription, otherwise, your team will fall under expired team termination rules - please see What Happens to My Stuff When My Reflectivity Team Expires? 

To upgrade your subscription, do the following:

1. Click on your name at the lower left corner and select "Upgrade" from the dropdown menu

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2. Click on Upgrade and select the number of teams seats you wish to purchase.

Note: for expired teams you can only purchase the same number of seats you previously had or higher. If you need to purchase less seats then you had before expiration, contact

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Click here to check what features are available for different account types - What are Reflectivity (Teams) Account Types and Privileges?


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