Reflectivity (Teams) Website FAQs

How Do I Add a Video Evidence to My Reflection?

  Available for a Reflectivity team only

On Reflectivity platform it is possible to add videos to your reflections as an evidence of your progress. To do so, start by creating/selecting your topic and a skill that you would like to work on.

New topic and skill.gif

When it is time to reflect, perform a check-in by selecting a skill that you are working on from your My skills board. Choose how you feel about it and what activity you would like to do to progress further. You can now optionally add written reflection and/or video evidence. You can either rerord a video or choose it from your Reflectivity Videos. 

Check-in on skill.gif

Now, when you share your reflections, the person that you have shared with it will see it with the video attached. Please be informed, that this video will be visible to the person that you have shared it with only in the reflection itself. The video evidence will not appear in their Shared with Me Videos feed unless you share it with them separately from your reflection. To do that, check out our article Sharing Videos on Reflectivity (Teams) Web Platform.

To learn more on how to use video in Reflectivity, check out our eLearning course.


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