Reflectivity Team Member

Getting Started with Reflectivity



Available for: Reflectivity team members

To start reflecting, log in to your Reflectivity account using your credentials at


First, you will see Most active board. Here you can see what your colleagues are working on and find inspiration for topics to reflect on and skills to develop. You can join a skill that you like and start working on it yourself from here.
Join skill from Most active board.gif

New board consists of all the skills that your Reflectivity team is working on as well as suggestions of other skills you can choose to concentrate on. 

New board.gif 
On the My skills board you can see the skills you have chosen to focus on.

My skills board.gif
To add a new topic and skills to work on, click on the “+” button at the botton and enter the topic and a skill name. You can either choose it from suggested options or write your own. 

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You can also join a skill from Most active and New boards. 
Join skill from Most active board.gif
Each skill in Reflectivity is now a community. In skill communities, you can see your current state, your updates about the plans, reflections, and videos your colleagues are sharing. 
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Encouragement goes a long way. This is why we’ve added boosts to Reflectivity. Boosts are small encouragements that you give to other users when they make progress on their work. You can boost any type of activity of your colleague by pressing on star next to the activity in the skill. You can see updates your colleagues have made, and you can click boost to give them encouragement. Your colleagues will see when you’ve boosted them in their notifications.

You can also comment any type of activity in the skill community where you are a member. 
To start working on a skill, select it from either of boards, click on "You" tile, select green button "Start now" on the right top side of the screen, choose your desired state in one month, and plan your first step. You can work on up to three skills at a time.

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Once you start working on a skill, it is important to have a possibility to check in with yourself on your progress. You can adjust your mood towards your work and, optionally, dive deeper with a written reflection. To reflect on a skill, choose it on either board, сlick on "You" tile, select "Check-in" at the top right corner of your screen, choose your desired state in one month, write a reflection, optionally add a video evidence, choose with whom you'd like to share it with, and select your next step. 

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You can start a discussion with a colleague about your written and video reflections. To do so, when reflecting, choose either "Share with a community" option or directly share it with any of the colleagues that you'd like. 
Check-in on skill.gifYou can also share a reflection by clicking on the tile "You" in the skill and choosing a reflection which you would like to share. Then, click the share arrow and choose who you would like to share with directly. You can also publicly share reflections with your whole organisation by selecting "Community" button. If you share it with Community, you can unshare it later if you wish. 


Once you have shared your reflection, a discussion board will open on the right side of it. You and anyone you have shared your reflection with can view and leave comments. You can see with whom exactly you shared your reflection selecting a person icon. Please be informed, that if you have included video evidence in your reflection, the video will be visible to the person that you have shared it with only in the reflection itself. The video evidence will not appear in their Shared with Me Videos feed unless you share it with them separately from your reflection. If you want to comment a reflection that was shared with you, you will need to first join the community if you haven't done this yet.

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You can access all of your reflections, discussions, and reflections that were shared with you in Reflections tab from the sidebar. 
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To learn more about possibilities while working with topics, check out this article What Are Skills and Topics in Reflectivity? 

Also, check out eLearning resource for the Reflectivity platform here.

Click here to check what features are available for different account types - What are Reflectivity (Teams) Account Types and Privileges?


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