M2 Remote Buttons
D-pad buttons - these are the directional buttons which can manually regulate the angle of the Mirror's camera.
Burst button - this button is used to Start the flow.
Record button - this is a button which enables and stops the recording. Press lightly once to start or stop the recording.
Power button - this is a power button of the Remote. Press it lightly to turn the Remote on or off.
LED - this is a led light which indicates the state of the Remote.
M2 Remote Lights
LED is off - the Remote is off.
LED fading out - the Remote has died or is being manually turned off.
LED slow grey pulse - the Remote is starting up.
LED is solid red - recording in progress.
LED is solid (other colors) - the Remote is on and connected to M2 and not recording.
LED fast pulse - the Remote is on and not connected and not recording or Remote is unable to establish connection with the base.
LED orange pulse (long duration of/on during pulse) - the Remote is charging, either in the dock or the USB cable is plugged in.
LED one quick orange pulse at time of contact to dock - the Remote is placed in dock.
LED two quick grey pulses - the Remote is docked and paired.
LED is solid orange - the Remote is fully charged.
Learn more about how to set up M2 Remote Expansion Kit in this article.
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