Getting Started

Get Started Fast with Example Activities

Once you have a group, Example Activities enable you to get your students reflecting in seconds. Here's how. First you'll need your first group.


Creating a group

Click the arrow next to your Personal space name to open the dropdown and click "+ New".

Zight Recording 2024-09-05 at 07.50.27 PM.gif

Be sure to add grade level, access type (read more about that here), and then hit "Create."


My first group.png


Assigning an Example Activity 

Now that you have a group, the easiest way to both get students into your group and get them reflecting is to use the Library, filled with practical Example Activities. Just take the following steps.

Click the big purple "Custom" button.

Browse MirrorTalk's ever-expanding list of Example Activities and find one that suits your class.



Click “Assign” to assign the example to your group instantly. 
Or, Click “Preview” to view and customize the example to meet your needs. Note: You will be prompted to create a copy of the activity to edit. Once it’s customized the way you want it you can click “Assign” to assign the reflection activity to your group.


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