Mirror FAQ

How Can I Use the Workspace?

The Workspace in Mirror is a place where you and your students can focus on a certain activity while being able to analyze and reflect on their practice afterwards. You can access it by selecting "Do work then reflect" button. 


Workspace disposes of a range of tools.

First of all, you can record a goal for your current working session by selecting "Record goal" button at the top right corner of your screen. If you are recording from the web space at https://mirrortalk.ai/, you might be prompted to allow access to your microphone - select Allow to be able to record a goal. Finish the recording by clicking on the square icon. 


You can use the Recharge activities for physical and mental reset during the work sessions. From eye relief to breathing and physical exercises, use these tools to recharge and enhance your focus. 


Whiteboard can be used for visual illustration of your work or simply as a tool to creatively recharge between work sessions. When you close the whiteboard off, that work is not going to be saved. At the moment, whiteboard is only accessible on the Mirror device. 



The 2-minute Timer is a way for you to ground yourself again before you go back to focused work. 

Timer (1).gif


You can also use Observation recording to later analyse and reflect on the practice using a video evidence. To start the observation, select "Record". If you are accessing this feature on the web at https://mirrortalk.ai/, you might be prompted to allow access to your camera. Select the red square button on the bottom of your screen to stop the recording. This recording will be saved in your Data tab as an Evidence to your session. 

Recording (1).gif



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