
Delete Your Mirror Account

Available for app iOS/Android and Mirror device

If you choose to delete your account, this cannot be undone. Account termination results in the deletion of all associated content. Any data stored within the account will be irreversibly removed, and we will be unable to retrieve any of it following the termination of your account.

To delete your account take the following steps:

  1. Login to MirrorTalk on your phone or Mirror device

    mirror (1).png

  2. Head to your profile

    mirror (2).png
    mirror (3).png

  3. At the bottom of the screen, click on "Delete account"

    mirror (4).png

  4. Check off, "I agree" and confirm with the "Delete forever" button

    mirror (5).png

You may also reach out to the Mirror support team at support@swivl.com with a request for account termination from the email that your account is associated with and we will gladly assist you. 




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