Generic FAQs

Video Resolution and Memory FAQs: Android

This section is for users who do not plan to upload their recorded videos to Reflectivity (Teams) web platform. Once you start using Swivl Capture app and robot for extended periods of time, there are many things to consider. Notably, the created video files can get rather large and take up space on your device. There are many ways to deal with large video files, and we are working on adding more capabilities to make it easier to get the files off the Android device and to your final destination.


When making long recordings (like lectures or classes) there are several things to consider:


We have some recommendations on each that will make it easier for you to use Swivl.


Swivl base will last approximately 4 hours. Swivl marker will last approximately 4 hours. The amount of time an Android device last is highly variable and depends on the age of the device, video recording quality, etc. Swivl does not draw any power from the Android device when they are connected.

First, you have to understand how big the video files can get depending on what Android device you use, at what resolution, and at which camera. This table is to help you understand it better (based on the Swivl Capture app version 1.7 or later):

Camera Resolution Size: MB per minute of recording
Rear Facing 1080P - HD ~65MB
  720P - HD ~40MB
  480P - HD ~20MB
Front Facing 1080P - HD ~65MB
  720P - HD ~40MB
  480P - HD ~20MB



Good ideas for dealing with video on Android devices

  • Make sure you have plenty of space on your device. See the table above to give you a sense of how much space you need. Ideally, make sure you have 2x the space
  • To find out how much available space you have on your Android device, go to Settings->DEVICE->Storage->DEVICE MEMORY or SD CARD
    App-Android_storage2.jpeg App-Android_storage1.jpeg

Setup and Preparations


  • If possible, use the front-facing camera — this way the video will be smaller and you will be able to see yourself and the video recording status
  • Record 1-2 short videos practicing the recording. Test how well the audio works — is the microphone too far? too close? Do you see where the video files are created (hint: check Swivl video library)
  • Do not record one 4-hour video. Periodically stop and restart the recording. Usually, it takes 10-20 seconds if you have recorded an hour-long video to stop and restart it.  Doing this will create more manageable files.

Moving Video Files off Android Devices (Swivl Capture App)

DO NOT MOVE LARGE VIDEOS TO YOUR Gallery — Android does not handle moving or copying large files very well — it takes a long time and sometimes fails.

Another uncommon but unique way to transfer or share directly from the Android device (preferred method)


      • Go to Settings > Apps > My Files > Device Storage or SD Card > Android > Data > > files > Movies > Three dots in the top right corner, tap on Select to select the video or videos > Select Share /Send icon

You can copy the files onto to your computer. Please note that copying can take a while for very large files.

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