Generic FAQs

Can I Disable My Email Notifications from Reflectivity (Teams)?


I am receiving too much notifications from Reflectivity. Can I disable them? 


You can disable the following kinds of email notifications: Reflectivity updates, account notifications, and video updates. To do this, follow these steps:

1. In a browser, go to and log into your Reflectivity account.
2. In the bottom left corner, click on your initials.
3. Click on "Profile" in the drop-down menu.
4. On your account information page, click on Settings. You will see three kinds of notifications with switches where you can toggle them to Yes or No.
5. You can leave both on, turn both off, or choose to only receive one kind of notification.

Disable notifications.png
In case you would like to disable other kinds of notifications, please contact us at for further assistance. 


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