Generic FAQs

Does Reflectivity Has Direct Integration with Canvas?

No, Reflectivity does not have direct integration with Canvas; however, there are some compatibilities between our two platforms. 

When you are signed into Reflectivity in your browser and open up Canvas in a nearby tab, you can actually copy and paste Reflectivity unlisted weblinks onto a Canvas page. The Reflectivity player will be shown to the Canvas user as long as they are still signed into Reflectivity account in the same browser window. You will even be able to comment on the video and use the Rubrics.

Other options in terms of recording, and live streaming we have to offer at this point are as follows:

- Live Streaming - Swivl Audio Setup;

- Capturing Content with Video: Screencasting and Webcasting (you can download the  Screencast+ desktop app here: or record a video in your Reflectivity account on the web: ).

Contact if you would like to discuss in detail your workflows and setup steps.


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