Generic FAQs

How Do I Recover a Deleted Video?

If the video owner deletes a video by mistake, we can usually recover deleted content on Reflectivity within 30 days of its deletion.

Please note that recovery of the video deleted by mistake is only possible

a) as per the video owner's email request

and b) if the video was successfully uploaded to/stored at

If you deleted the video immediately after it was recorded on your mobile device using the Capture app without ever uploading it to the web platform, unfortunately, there is no way to recover it as the server has no information about never uploaded videos.

 Email us at from the email associated with your Reflectivity account or submit a support ticket and provide the following info:

1. Name/Title of the video to recover
2. Approximate date of its deletion
3. Length of the video

We will do our best to get back to you asap!



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