Getting Started with Mirror

Mirror Group Dashboard Info


Mirror's Group Dashboard, provides actionable data on each reflection and helps you understand growth over time.

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Here's how we define our metrics:


Reflection Activity
The number of reflections captured within a group over a given time period.




Reflection Quality

This graph provides an average reflection quality score for the group. 


Reflection quality measures overall reflection aptitude exhibited in a given reflection. This is an average of four individual scores: Narrating experience, Expression of Sentiment, Evidence of thinking, and Developing new goals.  




Indicates the sentiment of students at the time of reflection. Measured by positive (green), neutral (yellow), or negative (red) indicators.


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Narrates Experience 

A portion of the total reflection quality score that measures how a person reflecting is able to narrate their own experience of what they were working on. 


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Expresses Sentiment  

A portion of the total reflection quality score that measures how a person reflecting is able to their sentiment around what they were working on: the ability to speak to how one feels with specificity and the vocabulary of emotions. 


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Evidence of Thinking
A portion of the total reflection quality score that measures the degree to which learning occurred for the person reflecting. 


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Can Develop New Goals
A portion of the total reflection quality score that measures the ability to create and state new goals.  Assessing the reflector's ability to develop a clear and new goal based on their learning experience. 


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Indicates beliefs about having the ability to grow and improve. Measured by fixed, neutral, and growth indicators.  Based on Carol Dweck's Growth Mindset framework.


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Goal Alignment
Measures how well actions conveyed in a reflection are aligned with that goal. Indicated by percentage: 

  • 100% - 75% - Understands your goal
  • 74% - 50% - Is somewhat aligned with your goal
  • 49% - 1% - Needs some work

Note: If a goal is not stated, this scoring is unavailable.  


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Do you have any questions or suggestions on how to calculate these metrics? Have a metric that can bring value to all teachers?  Let us know in the comments how we can improve. 


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