Reflectivity FAQ

Creating and Managing Group Folders as a Reflectivity Team Owner/Admin

 Available for a Reflectivity team owner/admin only

Group folders are private folders designed for sharing videos among any number of individuals. 


If you are a Reflectivity team owner or admin, you can also create and share a member’s video to a group folder (but first make sure that this member is in the group folder you are sharing the video to).

1. To create a new group folder as an admin, please go to the group folders tab and click the "Add new folder" button


2. Enter the title and the description of the group folder


3. Add members to group folder


4. You will be prompted to choose the group folder sharing and notification settings which you can later change by clicking on the three dots on the top right corner on the Folder page


When sharing a video to a group folder, please perform the following steps: 
1. Open admin portal
2. Go to the videos tab
3. Click on three dots of the video you’d like to share
4. Select a group folder


Click here to continue to the next article: Video Statistics


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