Getting Started

Permissions, Media Releases, and MOUs

Reflectivity (Teams) is 100% FERPA/COPPA compliant in the U.S. and GDPR compliant in the E.U. Still, we are dedicated to securing private and safe spaces for the use of video in your organization as an educational tool for students, a professional learning tool for teachers, coaches, and admins, and for various applications in research, so we have been compiling sample permission forms, media releases, and MOUs from existing customers.

Managing a video observation requires more than just understanding how to use the tools that enable you to capture excellent audio and video and provide a platform for collaboration. So if you have ever asked yourself:

  • How do I implement the use of video within my organization?
  • How do I get my teachers and coaches on board for using video in their classes?
  • What about parental notifications?
  • I'm working for a School of Education; how may I cooperate with our district partners for our field experience program?

We are happy to share some templates we have gathered with you provided you send a request to: Please include your name, role, and organization in your email request to us.

Additionally, one of the best places we've found sample forms and templates to utilize when designing your video observation program is Harvard's Best Foot Forward Project: Video Observation Toolkit. Some of the most common templates to use are available to download at the bottom.

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