What is Swivl?

Contacting Swivl

Customer Support

Email us at support@swivl.com if you have any questions or need assistance using your Swivl hardware and software tools.


The fastest way to get in touch is start a Live Chat. The Help Widget can be found at the bottom right-hand corner of this page as well as on the Reflectivity web at cloud.swivl.com (live chat is not available from mobile devices).


Customer Support Agents are available Monday through Friday from 4 am to 4 pm Pacific Time.


To speak with an Account Manager about purchasing new Swivl Robots, accessories, or software licenses, or to renew your existing software licenses, email sales@swivl.com.

Swivl Online Store

Visit the Swivl Store to purchase accessories by credit card or to learn more about the Swivl Robot bundles. 


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