In this article
When a teacher shares a Referral Link with another teacher, they will be prompted to join MirrorTalk in one of the 3 following ways:
Login - Full Dashboard
To participate in Login groups with full dashboard access, person will need to sign up for a MirrorTalk account using their email. Once registered, they will be able to join the group and complete their reflections.
Then, teachers will be redirected to their Dashboard where they will find cards showing the full set of scores and insights for each of their reflections. From these cards, teachers can also access the recordings of their reflections, making it easy to review and track the progress. Participants can visit the Dashboard to view their Understanding score and Lesson for each reflection they complete. Other scores and insights are only visible to the Group Owner.
Login - Participants Opt to Share
You can also choose a Login - Participants Opt to Share group type. Such option provides the participants with not only a full dashboard access, but also an option to share their reflection feedback with their Group Manager.
Open Group Access
When teachers joins an Open group, they don’t need to create an account or be invited by name - they can simply join directly via link. To complete their reflections in these groups, they’ll need to use video for identification. After they submit their reflection, they will receive immediate feedback. However, they won’t have access to the Dashboard.
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