Setting Up Reflections

Why Is My Reflection Not Uploading?

If you have recorded a reflection and after some time it is still displayed as "Uploading" or "Processing", here are some suggestions on how to troubleshoot. 

Relfection uploading.png

On iOS and Android devices use MirrorTalk mobile app for uploading. If you are using MirrorTalk on a computer, here are the recommended browsers: Google Chrome, Safari, Microsoft Edge.

1. Use WiFi connection to have better Internet speed when recording and uploading the reflection. Make sure you have a good Wi-Fi connection and turn off/turn on your Wi-Fi in mobile device settings. 

2. Do not close application while uploading process is in progress.

3. Restart your wi-fi router if necessary. 

4. If you are uploading at school, please make sure that all necessary domains and ports are whitelisted and forward the following link to your IT department: Firewall Settings

If you followed all the above steps and still can't upload please contact us at and share the following details:

- the screenshots from the page 'Check Network' (if using M2):

- the info about your M2/MirrorTalk OS version;

your iOS/Android version; 

- date, the title of the reflection you made and the email you used.


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