Robot and Capture apps FAQ

Error Codes

403 Access forbidden. You do not have access to this section (can occur at - make sure you are logged in to the same Reflectivity account the video was shared with/ uploaded to.

404 Page not found. Please make sure you have the correct link and try your request again (can occur at - the video was either deleted or unshared.

Cannot start recording. Please try again. (733) (can occur in Swivl Capture app) - force quit the Swivl Capture app and restart the device; make sure no other apps are running in the background.  

Check internet connection (can occur in Swivl Capture app) - try connecting to a different network (preferably a private one) or using cellular data. If the issue persists, please run the 'Check Network' test in the Swivl Capture app -> Robot tab and share the results with us at

Couldn’t upload video. Something went wrong during uploading video (NSURLErrorDomain : -1200) (can occur in Swivl Capture app) - if you are using a school (shared) network - make sure that all necessary domains and ports are whitelisted by forwarding the following link to your IT department: Firewall Settings. You also need to check date & time synchronization on your device in system settings and make sure that 'Set Automatically' (for iOS devices)/ 'Automatic' (for Android devices) is turned on. In the meantime, try uploading from a completely different network (home/cafe/cellular data). 

Couldn’t upload video. Something went wrong during uploading video (NSURLErrorDomain : -1202) (can occur in Swivl Capture app) - if you are using a school (shared) network - make sure that all necessary domains and ports are whitelisted by forwarding the following link to your IT department: Firewall Settings. In the meantime, try uploading from a completely different network (home/cafe/cellular data). 

Couldn’t upload video. Something went wrong during uploading video. (Swivl_preview.SWSessionManager - Error: 2) (can occur in Swivl Capture+ app) - if you are using a school (shared) network - make sure that all necessary domains and ports are whitelisted by forwarding the following link to your IT department: Firewall Settings. In the meantime, try uploading from a completely different network (home/cafe/cellular data). 

Error 500. Unexpected error. An error occurred and your request couldn’t be completed (can occur at - if you have tried refreshing the webpage and the issue persists, email us at with the screenshot of the error message and a short description of your steps.

No WiFi connection. Please, make sure you are connected to a WiFi network (can occur in Swivl Capture app) - check if WiFi is enabled in your device Settings and if you are connected to a network. 

Sign in. Something went wrong. NSURLErrorDomain:-1202 (can occur in Swivl Capture app) - if you are using a school (shared) network - make sure that all necessary domains and ports are whitelisted by forwarding the following link to your IT department: Firewall Settings. In the meantime, try uploading from a completely different network (home/cafe/cellular data). 

Uploading failed… Failed to fetch (can occur at - make sure the browser you are uploading in is updated to the latest version. If the issue persists, try uploading in a different browser.

Uploading failed… The uploading process failed. Please try again (can occur at - make sure you have a good Wi-Fi connection and try uploading the video once again by clicking on the ‘Retry’ option. Additionally, if a ‘Download’ option is available as well, make sure to download the video to your desktop so that you do not lose the video and can upload it to your Reflectivity account manually later.

Uploading interrupted. Check the source and resume the uploading process (can occur at - resume uploading in the Swivl Capture app on the mobile device used for the recording. 


Additionally, for uploading issues, you may see more troubleshooting tips in our article Swivl Capture App - Uploading a Video to Reflectivity (Teams) Web platform.

If the issue you are having persists, please contact us at with detailed information and screenshots (if possible).


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